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About me

mUSICIAN | magician | gEEK | pHOTOGRAPHER | pOET

Musician (Drummer)

What is Photogrammetry

Photogrammetry is the art and science of extracting 3D information from photographs. The process involves taking overlapping photographs of an object, structure, or space, and converting them into 2D or 3D digital models. Close-range photogrammetry is when images are captured using a handheld camera or with a camera mounted to a tripod. The output of this method is not to create topographic maps, but rather to make 3D models of a smaller object.
About 15 years ago I began seeing two emerging technologies advance rapidly into the mainstream – Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Virtual reality is a computer-generated environment that you interact with. Augmented reality uses technology to enhance your own reality rather than replacing it. I was blown away by how fast each innovation was evolving and fascinated by the realism of virtual people in games like Madden NFL Football. Being a technophile, I was compelled to understand the underlying technology behind this virtual realism. My research uncovered 3D modeling, and ultimately the ability to create extremely realistic 3D models using photogrammetry. At the time both computer hardware and software required to experiment with this technology was not affordable. But during the last six years significant advances in both technologies has not only made this affordable but has generated a huge surge in the interest and demand for 3D modeling. Creative 3D modeling requires a unique blend of skills which range from an artistic eye to a passion for technology, and I’ve been blessed with both. This is an exploding art form which opens many new opportunities for aspiring and professional photographers and models.
ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


About me

I’m a photographer, musician, magician, poet and technologist. I’ve been a musician my entire life and in the tech field for 25 years, and enjoy learning and experimenting with art forms that harness emerging technologies. I started playing the drums when I was 8 (although my mother would tell you I started playing in her womb) and continue to this day – it is the first of my two primary passions. Music was quickly followed by an interest in art, mainly abstract drawing and painting, and then poetry. I joined a band in elementary school and wrote all the lyrics to our singer’s music. I discovered computers and technology in my early 20’s, which is my second primary passion, and made a career out of it (I actually wanted to be a rock drummer but I realize now that if I had I’d be playing golf with Bonham and Moon in hell). Ironically I’ve met many people in the technology field who are also life-long musicians. Apparently this is not unusual as proficiency in music and technology harnesses the same areas of the brain. Music and technology will forever remain a huge focus in my life, but I’m fascinated by my need for what I call “passion waves”. These are intense attention focus areas that come and go in phases yet always tap into both of my primary passions. Examples include flying drones, magic, and photography. The common denominator in every case is always the same – an intersection of art and technology. I'm incredibly blessed in that all of these skills are applicable in my chosen profession as a retail industry technology technology solution expert.


Image can be expanded and rotated

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